Activities & Classes




Billiards Leagues     

Did you know that the center is host to FOUR leagues each week!? Even though things can get competitive, everyone is here to have fun and socialize. Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday afternoons are available for open play. Wednesdays are set aside for open pool all day. A small nominal fee is associated with each league. Monies collected are used for table maintenance, a tournament and pizza party at the end of each session. 

WHEN: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Friday                        

TIMES: Vary depending on league schedules.   

CONTACT: Mike Connelly 302-547-3802

Golf Leagues       

Golf is huge here at IRSC. We have four divisions that play on Mondays and another division that goes out on Thursdays. Call our Executive Director, Suzanne, with questions.

WHEN: Weekdays                      

TIMES: Vary depending on league schedules.   

              CONTACT: Suzanne Gordon 302-934-8839 x 4



Senior Strength & Balance (Aerobics)

We supply the dumb bells, resistance bands, and the optional chairs! All you need to bring is your excitement and energy!

WHEN: Mondays 1:30pm - 2:10pm

            Fridays 10:00am - 10:40am

INSTRUCTOR: Charlotte Moore

CONTACT: 302-519-4608

PRICE: $5.00 per class





      Join us for India's ancient tradition and holistic approach to health and well-being.  

      WHEN: Tuesdays 9:00am - 9:45am

                  Thursdays 8:45am - 9:30am

      INSTRUCTOR: Stefani Absher 

                                          CONTACT: 302-381-8330

                                          PRICE: $5.00 per class


     Chair Yoga  

      Love yoga but not too keen on getting down on the floor? We've got you covered!  

      WHEN: Mondays 8:30am - 9:15am

                 Thursdays 12:15pm - 1:00 pm 

      INSTRUCTOR: Stefani Absher 

      CONTACT: 302-381-8330

      PRICE: $5.00 per class



Beginner & Intermediate Line Dancing

Love to dance but not super confident about the steps? Join our beginner’s class at 9am! Our instructor would love to teach you the basics.

Or maybe when it comes to line dancing, you know what you’re doing and just need a place and a group to do it with. This is the place and these are the people to join at 10:15am!

WHEN: Wednesdays

TIME: 9:00am - 10:00am / 10:15am - 11:15am

INSTRUCTOR: Marian Fetherolf

                                                  CONTACT: 302-249-1586

                                                  PRICE: $5.00 per class


Mah Jongg

If you are new to the world of Mah Jongg or a seasoned tile expert, you are welcome to come join us!

WHEN: Mondays & Fridays

TIME: 12:30pm - 4:00pm

CONTACT: Elaine Carmen

PHONE: 302-934-6604


Nickel Poker

Get in the game and come join our nickel poker ladies! Laughs are guaranteed because these ladies come to have fun!

WHEN: Tuesdays

TIME: 1:00pm - 4:00pm

CONTACT: 302-934-8839





T'ai Chi Chih (Virtual)

Love Tai Chi but not quite able or willing to leave the comfort of your living room? No problem! Joanne has you covered.

WHEN: Wednesdays

TIME: 2:30pm - 3:20am

INSTRUCTOR: Joanne Howell

CONTACT: gojoanne@gmail.com

PRICE: $3.00 per class

Tai Chi                                                   

Did you know our Tai Chi instructors are certified? John is wonderful and our Tai Chi guys and gals adore him. Join us here on Mondays!

WHEN: Monday

TIME: 10:00am - 11:00am


CONTACT: 302-567-9190

PRICE: $5.00 per class





Book Club

Our virtual book club reads a new book every month! Check out our most recent newsletter to find out what this month’s pick is. If you’re interested in joining, let Joanne know! The group would love to have you!

WHEN: 2pm, The 3rd Friday of Each Month

ORGANIZER: Joanne Howell

CONTACT: gojoanne@gmail.com




Crafts & Hobbies

We have an entire room devoted to arts & crafts! The closet is full of material for anyone to knit, crochet, quilt, paint, or do whatever it is that you love to do! Guys, we have SO MUCH YARN!

WHEN: Call the Center for available times.

RESERVE ROOM: Call the Center

CONTACT: 302-934-8839



Art Class

The ever-talented Carolyn Wisniewski teaches an art class every Thursday! Feeling creative? Come on by!

WHEN: Thursday

TIME: 9:30am - 11:30am

INSTRUCTOR: Carolyn Wisniewski

CONTACT: 302-846-2280







We're meeting to play a new game in 2023! Never played before? Perfect! Our first couple classes will be about us learning the rules together! 

WHEN: Thursdays

TIME: 1:00pm - 3:00pm

CONTACT: Buffy Spencer 575-956-5475



WHEN: Any time! If we're open and you are a member, you are welcome to come play!

TIME: Mon-Thur 8am - 4pm, Fri 8am - 3pm